Do you love surfing the net? How many hrs do you spend in updating you fb accounts, twitter, and other social networking site? Well, before you need to do lot of stuffs in the net you need to secure your own personal information and the best method I can suggest to browse anonymously by hiding you IP address. IP address stands for Internet protocol address which comprises the unique address of a computer on the net. This protocol address is composed of four numbers separated by periods. The said numbers indicate the domain, the sub network, the network and the host computer. Generally each IP address has an equivalent domain name address and the reason why it’s really important to hide your IP address online is to ensure that your personal information won’t be leaked to outsiders and swindlers.
Hiding your IP address also gives you exemption from the perpetually bombarding pop up advertisements in your computer. If you get into a website, you’ll be swamped by the pop up ads. Constant flooding of the pop up ads in the computer dismiss be very annoying and interrupting for the user. The efficiency of the computer also acquires diminished due to this. Your computer could stop operating when you’ve an urgent work to do. Covering your IP address will protect you from such situation.
To protect you from all these things, changing ip address is the one of the best method you need to use. :)
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